Chonky v2.1.0 Docs
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Built-in file actions

Chonky provides multiple file action definitions out of the box. Built-in actions are exactly the same as custom actions - they extend the same FileAction type, they have the same permissions, and they are executed in the exact same way. The only difference is that some built-in actions are enabled by default, while custom actions have to be enabled explicitly.

Using built-in file actions

All built-in file actions are exported under the ChonkyActions component. You can import them as follows:

import { ChonkyActions } from 'chonky';
console.log(ChonkyActions.ClearSelection); // Logs the entire action object
console.log(; // Logs just the action ID

Not all built-in actions are enabled by default. You can explicitly enable file actions by passing them to fileActions prop on FileBrowser component:

import { ChonkyActions, FileBrowser } from 'chonky';
export const MyFileBrowser = () => {
const myFileActions = [
return (
<FileBrowser files={[]} fileActions={myFileActions}>
{/* ... */}

Built-in action definitions

Chonky separates built-in actions into 3 categories - essential file actions, default file actions and "extra" file actions.

Essential file actions

Click here to see essential action definitions.

These are the file actions Chonky requires to function correctly. They are always enabled, and there is no way to disable them. If you know what you are doing, you can override an essential file action by defining a custom file action with the same action ID.

Default file actions

Click here to see default action definitions.

These are file Chonky provides for user convenience. They cover common features like file sorting, toggling hidden files, and changing file view. They are enabled by default.

You can disable all default file actions by setting the disableDefaultFileActions on FileBrowser component to true:

<FileBrowser files={[]} disableDefaultFileActions={true}>
{/* ... */}

Alternatively, you can disable some subset of default file actions by setting disableDefaultFileActions prop to an array of action IDs:

const actionsToDisable: string[] = [,,
<FileBrowser files={[]} disableDefaultFileActions={actionsToDisable}>
{/* ... */}

Extra file actions

Click here to see other action definitions.

These are file actions that ship with Chonky but are not enabled default. They cover less common scenarios like downloading files or creating folders. Users can enable them explicitly if they want.

If you have a question, want to request a feature or report a bug, please create an issue on GitHub. You can also report inaccurate or unclear documentation on Chonky's Discord server.